


Henry II (1133, 1154-1189), the first Plantagenet king, father of Richard I and John.
Henry (the Young King) (1155, 1170-1183), crowned as successor to his father, Henry II. 
Richard I (1157, 1189-1199), son of Henry II, brother of John.
John (1166, 199-1216), son of Henry II, brother of Richard.
Henry III (1207, 1216-1272), son of John.
Edward I (1239, 1272-1307), son of Henry III.
Edward II (1284, 1307-1227), son of Edward I.
Edward III (1312, 1327-1377), son of Edward II.
Richard II (1367, 1377-1400), grandson of Edward III.
Henry IV (1367, 1399-1400 to 1413), grandson of Edward III, cousin to Richard II.
Henry V (1386, 1413-1422), son of Henry IV.
Henry VI (1421, 1422-1461, 1470-71), son of Henry V.
Edward IV (1442, 1461-1470, 1471-1483), distant cousin to Henry VI.
Richard III (1452, 1483-1485), brother of Edward IV, uncle of Edward V and Richard IV.
Edward V (1470-1483), son of Edward IV and one of the Princes in the Tower.
Richard IV (1473-1483, brother of Edward V, never came to the throne.


Anne of Bohemia (1366, 1382-1394), 1st wife of Richard II.
Berengaria of Navarre (c 1170, 1191-1199, 1230), wife of Richard I.
Catherine of Valois (1402, 1420-1422, 1437), wife of Henry V and mother of Henry VI and Tudors.
Eleanor of Aquitaine (1122, 1154-1189, 1204) wife of Henry II, mother of Richard I and John.
Eleanor of Castile (1241, 1272-1290), first wife of Edward I and mother of his son, Edward II.
Eleanor of Provence (1223, 1236-1272, 1291) wife of Henry III, mother of Edward I.
Elizabeth of York (1466, 1486-1503), wife of Henry VII Tudor, ancestress of the Tudors.
Isabella of Angouleme (1188, 1200-1216, 1246), wife of John, mother of Henry III.
Isabella of France (1295, 1308-1327, 1358), wife of Edward II, mother of Edward III.
Isabella of Valois (1389, 1396-1400, 1409), 2nd wife of Richard II.
Joanna of Navarre (c 1370, 1403-1413, 1437), wife of Henry IV and mother of Henry V.
Margaret of Anjou (1430, 1445-1461, 1470-71, 1482), wife of Henry VI.
Margaret of France (1279, 1299-1307, 1318), 2nd wife of Edward I.
Neville, Anne (1456, 1483-1485), wife of Richard III.
Philippa of Hainault (1314, 1328-1369), 1st wife of Edward III, grandmother of Richard II.
Woodville, Elizabeth (1437, 1464-70, 1471-1483, 1492), wife of Edward IV, mother of Princes in the Tower.

Other Rulers

Bruce, Robert
Phillip II of France
Leopold of Austria

Royal Family

Arthur of Britany
Edward (the Black Prince)
Geoffrey of Anjou
Humphrey, Duke of Gloucestor
Joanna of Sicily
John of Gaunt
Richard, Duke of Clarence

Nobles and Courtiers

Chaucer, Alice
Falstoff, Sir John
Tiptoft, Sir John
Marshal, William


Becket, Thomas

Artists and Artisans

Born, Bertrand de
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Nesle, Jean I and II (Blondel) de
Pisan, Christine


Alys of France
Marie of Champagne


Joan of Arc
Glendower, Owen
Wallace, William


Geoffrey of Monmouth
Richard of Devizes

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