
Saturday, March 4, 2017

Descendant: Courteney Cox

In an interesting bit of 21st century news, promotions for the 2017 season of the genealogy program "Who Do You Think You Are" featured a segment on Courteney Cox, best known as Monica Geller in the sitcom Friends.  According to research, she is the descendant of a Lord Thomas Berkeley who, in the 14th century, may have been involved in the assassination of an English King.  The promotions don't say which king it was, but they give enough information for a healthy guess.

Edward II.

Edward II passed his last days in Berkeley Castle, under the care of Sir Thomas Berkeley.  According to the articles, Berkeley purchased items designed to make a room into a prison, such as locks and bars.  But he also purchased food and other items for Edward's use.  Edward died in 1327, and rumors persist to this day whether it was a death from disease or injury, or deliberate murder, and if so who ordered the hit.  While most historians discount the red hot poker up the bowel story, there is a high probability that Edward was killed in captivity.  Whether Berkeley was in on it or not will likely never be known.  He does, however, have a many times great-granddaughter who is a talented and popular actress.

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